Building Resilience Through Social Connections – The Key to Thriving in Veterinary Practice –  ep 168

In episode 168 of the Vet Staff Podcast, host Julie South delves into the crucial role of social connections in building resilience for veterinary professionals.

By exploring the power of social support and mentorship, the episode offers valuable insights on how forming meaningful relationships can enhance our ability to bounce forward from challenges.

Here are the key takeaways from the podcast and how you can empower veterinary professionals to create a strong support network for thriving in your careers.

Understanding the Power of Social Connections

“Today we’re talking about social support. If you’ve just rolled your eyes or stifled a yawn and are getting ready for me to tell you that you need to go out and get a bit more touchy-feely, please bear with me.”

In the veterinary profession, the term “resilience” often conjures up images of personal fortitude and mental strength.

However, as Julie South highlights, social connections play a vital role in shaping our resilience quotient.

Genuine social connections involve meaningful relationships that offer care, support, and a sense of belonging. These connections extend beyond mere acquaintanceships and are rooted in trust and mutual understanding.

Julie South’s insights shed light on the fact that forming quality relationships, whether through friendships, family bonds, mentorship, or community involvement, can significantly impact our emotional well-being and ability to navigate challenges.

Leveraging Social Support for Resilience

“This in turn meets one of our fundamental human needs. Social connection plays an important role, a critical role in strengthening our resilience. And this is because it affects many different areas of our lives.”

The concept of social support encompasses emotional, instrumental, and financial assistance from others.

In veterinary practice, having a strong support system can be instrumental in weathering the complexities of the profession.

This episode emphasises that sharing thoughts and feelings, receiving diverse perspectives, and having a network of support all contribute to enhanced coping mechanisms and stress reduction.

The quote highlights how social support can positively influence our mental health and well-being, underscoring its significance in growing and strengthening resilience for veterinary professionals.

The Impact of Mentorship on Resilience

“How do they slot together to enhance resiliency? Research suggests that mentoring programs are highly effective at creating connection and value for everyone involved.”

Julie South’s insights shed light on the value of mentorship programmes in not only providing guidance and support to mentees but also in fostering mutual growth and resilience. This underscores the broader impact of mentorship in creating a network of support and encouragement.

In the veterinary profession, mentorship can offer aspiring professionals an avenue for seeking guidance, sharing experiences, and collaborating on problem-solving. By emphasising the shared value in mentoring relationships, the episode underscores the potential for mentorship to strengthen resilience across various career stages.

Building Strong Social Connections

“Maybe this year, 2024, could be the year that you reconnect with friends or take up interests that you want, repick up interests that you once had but let life get in the way of.”

The podcast highlights various avenues through which veterinary professionals can enhance their social connectedness.

From nurturing existing friendships to exploring shared interests and hobbies, the episode emphasises the potential for personal growth and resilience through meaningful social engagements outside of work.

By encouraging professionals to revisit past interests or engage in new activities, the episode emphasises the role of genuine personal pursuits in building social connections and, in turn, resilience.


“When we form social, meaningful social connections, your resilience will naturally strengthen.”

In conclusion, the Vet Staff Podcast offers a compelling narrative on the pivotal role of social connections in bolstering resilience for veterinary professionals.

By highlighting the wider impact of social support and mentorship, the episode presents actionable insights for professionals looking to enhance their support network.

By embracing the power of social connections, veterinary professionals can weave a robust safety net of care, understanding, and shared growth, contributing to their overall resilience in navigating the demands of their profession.

This blog post aimed to distil the valuable insights from the podcast into actionable steps for professionals in the veterinary industry to cultivate their resilience through meaningful social connections.

With a heightened focus on leveraging mentorship and fostering genuine relationships, veterinary professionals can pave the way for a more resilient and thriving career trajectory.


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Julie South
Julie South loves helping veterinarians, veterinary nurses and veterinary technicians find their next fantastic job - whether it's locum or permanent. Living, loving and working in New Zealand she's proud of the fact she's local and can help kiwi vet clinics find their next locum or permanent vet.