Decision based forgiveness for Veterinary Professionals

Discover the decision-based model of forgiveness – a conscious choice for letting go

Decision based forgiveness for Veterinary Professionals

Discover the decision-based model of forgiveness – a conscious choice for letting go

Discover the decision-based model of forgiveness – a conscious choice for letting go

Decision Based Forgiveness for Veterinary Professionals – Vet Staff Podcast #146 – Discover the life skill that can change your life for the better.

In this blog post, we delve into the concept of forgiveness as explored in the Vet Staff podcast episode (#146)  entitled “The Decision-Based Model of Forgiveness: Empowering Pathway to Healing”

The focus is on the decision-based model of forgiveness, which emphasises the power of conscious decision-making in the forgiveness process.

With each step and acquired insight, you’ll discover how forgiveness can positively impact your well-being and lead to emotional freedom.

Julie also discusses the Emotion Based Model of forgiveness in the podcast episode.

Timestamps and quotes from today’s podcast

Decision based forgiveness for Veterinary Professionals

Understanding the Decision-Based Model of Forgiveness

The decision-based model of forgiveness, as discussed by psychologist Everett Worthington, emphasises the deliberate and conscious choice to let go of negative emotions.

The model is grounded in both psychological and philosophical ideas and is often used in forgiveness interventions in therapy.

By evaluating the costs and benefits of holding onto resentment versus letting go, individuals make a cognitive decision to forgive.

Factors Influencing the Decision to Forgive

Several factors influence the decision to forgive, including the severity of the offense, the relationship between the parties involved, and personal values. 

It’s important to consider how these factors shape our perception of forgiveness and our willingness to engage in the forgiveness process. Understanding these influences can enlighten our own personal journey toward forgiveness.

The Process of Forgiveness

The process of forgiveness, according to the decision-based model, consists of four steps.

  1. You make the conscious decision to forgive: your offender because you recognise that holding onto your anger and resentment is likely to be detrimental to your well-being.
  2. From that – you have a change in perspective: This takes effort on your part.  You may need to do some cognitive restructuring. Or reframing of the wrong, the offense, in a way that reduces its emotional impact and you then reach a level of understanding.
  3. Next comes Empathy and Compassion: This is where you aim to walk a few moons in their moccasins, so you have empathy and understanding about their motivations. This means adopting Steven Covey’s Fifth Habit of Successful People:  first seek to understand then to be understood.
  4. And finally, let it go: You have to intentionally let go of all the negative emotions and resentments so that you can be free and move on.

In this podcast, Julie South also references the Emotion Focussed Model of Forgiveness which is also a four-step process of healing.

The Detrimental Effects of Holding onto Resentment

Holding onto resentments can have a detrimental impact on our physical and mental health over time.

High levels of stress and negative emotions have been linked to:

  • accelerated cellular aging,
  • compromised immune system functioning, and
  • cardiovascular problems.

The cycle of rumination – that of constantly thinking (and thinking and thinking) about the offense and the person who wronged us, perpetuates the negative impact

The Transformative Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a transformative process that involves letting go of resentment, finding understanding, and seeking inner peace.

It offers a path to emotional freedom and the opportunity to live a life free from the burdens of past grievances. By making the conscious decision to forgive, we release the weight that prevents us from moving forward.

The Journey Towards Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a journey that may vary in depth and complexity depending on the level of betrayal experienced.

Regardless of the pathway chosen or the depth of the offense, it’s crucial to start the healing process.

The decision to forgive opens the door to a future free from resentment and negativity.

It may not be an easy or quick fix, but taking that first step paves the way for personal growth and inner peace.

Forgiving someone in no way condones their behaviour as being acceptable.  But forgiveness does give you the emotional freedom to move forward.

The act of forgiveness frees up the mental space (being taken up by resentment) to be utilised as joy, happiness and freedom.

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